Monday, March 29, 2010

Addressing fondling and masturbation???

Often parents become concerned about children fondling their genitals or humping in what appears to be in a sexual way.  It is perfectly normal for children to enjoy or get pleasure from touching their genitalia. There are several possibilities why children pursue this behavior or continue past what could be normal exploration. Both girls and boys will masturbate even as toddlers.
It is important to ignore what you can so that you do not create a negative stigma to normal and healthy development but at the same time open positive communication about what is appropriate in public or even in front of others in their own home can be explained.  It is a good idea to explain to children that their genitals are not like their ears and are special.  Parents can age appropriately explain their purpose.
For young children the following is a good explanation of sexual curiosity and exploration.

As children approach puberty, the same applies..healthy, positive communication and age appropriate information is best! Please be sure not to make a negative issue out of normal development.  Read up about normal behavior and development during puberty because it probably has been a while since you were experiencing puberty...and make childhood and adolescence as pleasant as is hard enough for everyone.

As always if you have more/specific questions or need more information please shoot me an email.

Happy parenting!

School Performance


I have a 13 year old boy who refuses to do good in school even though he is more than capable mind wise. This has been an on going problem since he started middle school any suggestions will help for I am at my wits end with him.
Thank You


Thank you for your question.  This is a common stressor for families. Unfortunately, every child has a different attitude or the way they think about education and school performance. Each child also has different capabilities and ways that they learn best.  This is why there is a wide range in performance among all students.  So many children are not great students. Some are mediocre and some excel just fine or are above average.

Naturally some of the attitude and efforts put forth by children are a result of their parents educational performance/ achievements and attitude ( learned behavior)  as well as genetics.

Whenever our children are not healthy in any way physical or psychological ( thinking , feelings, or behaving in their best interest ) it is always important to assess for medical reasons.  If your child is physically healthy then it is important to assess psychological reasons.  (thought processing through behavior...could help to talk with a professional) 

I would always recommend talking with your child about what is going on...not a lecture or making demands but a healthy, pleasant, positive, and genuinely concerned conversation.  Ask him to help you understand what he likes or doesn't like about school.  Why he thinks he either cannot or doesn't do as well as believed potentials would allow. There are many possibilities for why children do not work to their potential. ( I have developed an ABCs for academic success assessment which has proven to be helpful if interested)

Many students never learn how to study in ways that works for them.  This is one of the most common issues I have dealt with in students.   

Other reasons include poor organizational skills, dislike for teachers or subject matter, time management, poor self esteem, anxiety, personal or interpersonal problems, or classes too easy or hard (bored or discouraged). 

Regardless of the what is the cause for poor performance children must learn and understand the importance and correlation between education accomplishments and future success and happiness. Often times, good conversations can be very helpful as well as assistance with important skills mentioned earlier like organization.

Children should be motivated to perform well in school so that they will be educated and have future opportunities.  This is not always clear to children. Parents must help them and sometimes offer outside motivation, support, and guidance.

School is to children like work is to adults and unfortunately unless they really love their job sometimes it is really a grueling task to go and do well.  Hopefully parents can find the tools and develop the skills to help children get through K-12 at least ( usually college is easier for them ...different issues) and be motivated.

Please let me know if you have other specific questions or comments hopefully this has been some help.

Good Luck.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Parents and grief

Grief...sorrow ....unbearable sadness...that hole left in your heart that can never ever be filled again...cannot begin to describe the feeling parents have who outlive their child.

You will hear many say there is nothing worse than losing a child. I agree. There are many factors that can worsen or lighten this horrific emotional pain such as how much suffering the child might have endured before his or her death or how much physical interaction the child and parent had prior to death, but the death of a child still leaves a grief that lasts forever.

Time does help to process, adapt, and figure out what can help live with the loss of your child, but never never does it heal or get easy.  Parents can simply learn how to live with their most intense psychological pain.  Some do not ever learn and that is so sad.

Recently a wonderful woman died, age 55, too young to leave this earth.  She was a good woman. Her father found her.  She had one younger brother, and a mother among many other family members that survived her.  Though she lived independently, her mother was a primary person involved in much of her health care throughout her life due to several health issues stemming from childhood.  Both her parents did all they could to keep her safe, teach her, and make sure she knew she was very loved.  Both her parents are ridden with immeasurable sorrow.  All the family is sad of course, but parents suffer heartache compared to no other.

Everyone recognizes death as a part of life, yet so many do not know much about grieving.  Grieving is unique to each individual.  Just as individuals could benefit from learning more about all aspects of psychological wellness.  Grieving parents could benefit from knowing how to allow themselves to grieve in the healthiest way possible so not to allow their sorrow to cause medical or mental health issues. And grief can cause serious health issues if not managed well.  There can be many stages and aspects of grief such as immense sadness, depression, denial, fear, anger, shame, and guilt among others.

Parents can learn what works for them.  What helps them get into a good place. And that it is OK to get into a good place.  But if parents need some time to be nonfunctional for a while that is OK too.  It is important to learn that eventually both cognitive and behavioral changes will help to allow them to live the rest of their life as happily and healthy as possible with this permanent hole in their heart.  But there is no specific time for any one person.  The idea is to prevent further harm.  Whatever you need to do in the grieving process is fine but if grieving becomes part of a new problem or is no longer helpful each day then it is time to either find new methods for your grieving process or seek professional help. 

I do not use the word 'healing'.  The hole does not heal.  We just learn to live again.  If you are a parent who has lost a child then you understand.

Cognition will become healthier when parents practice choosing to remember the positive aspects of the child's life.  From death we can learn so much.  Why is it that in the midst of a new loss it is so easy to keep priorities in order?  We somehow know what is important.  We can learn optimal appreciation for others, experiences, each moment and every second in life.  We can learn to be happier, smarter, and stronger from our loss because we choose to learn from it and have survived it. 

Behavioral changes will help because you can choose to take care of yourself. You can demonstrate to all that you can cope. This will teach others that healthy survival is possible and they too can learn should they need to have these skills also one day.  This is a great gift to others and will promote contagion.  Who, of all the deceased, wouldn't be happy to know that in their death others learned, grew, and became happier, healthier human beings?

Memorialize the precious life that is now gone by helping yourself and others.  You can choose other ways to memorialize your child and keep their spirit alive forever also. Ideas and ways to do this are immeasurable. And finding a way that works for you is up to you.   Once a parent has specific times each year as a time set aside to remember, show respect and love for their child, then it is certain that their relationship will continue forever. 

And if you have other children, you must know that a parents grief is felt by the other children.  Not only do siblings have to cope with their own sorrow and pain, but to watch a parent grieve is also a great heartache.  Parents, it is our responsibility to take care of ourselves, and continue to protect, teach, and love all our children always.

Please do not judge yourself or parents who have lost a child.  Be kind and supportive.  The support can help diffuse some of the sadness and the need for support never stops.  Regardless of the overt behavior or what  parents says, they benefit from support and genuine comfort... always.  Friends that still call years after the loss on his or her birthday or death day, have no idea of how much this helps to ease the sadness.  How much someones expression of thoughts and compassion allows the emotional pain to be shared and then not be quite so heavy in the heart.

My positive energy goes out to you and to all those who have experienced the greatest loss of all ..the loss of our baby girls or boys...take care of yourself mom and dad because that is definitely what your deceased child would want you to do and that is definitely what will make your other children less sad!

As always, if issues arise, further discussion is needed, or you have questions, comments, etc. after reading this article please know I welcome all to write, ask, or in contact me anyway and anytime.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

obesity..another preventable isue

Parents shop for the food, prepare the food, and manage scheduling among family memebers.  If parents are informed, creative, organized and committed to good health, good eating habits, nutrition, and health can be easy.
Yes factors like intelligence, learned behaviors, and motivation, among other factors play a role but parents really can teach children to eat healthier foods and develop healthy eating lifestyles.

Things that are important:

Role modeling
Smart purchasing - Limited, planned, thoughtful and not when hungry ha!
Education about nutrition and marketing
Reading labels
Eating for the right reasons
Portions being servings not PORTIONS....
Exercise and lots of it!  ( active hobbies and quality time)
Conscious choices for what you are puttin gin your body!
Just eating as natural foods as possible as often as possible and less.
Eating things you can pronounce!
Eating doctor put it best you can lose weight if you stop putting things in your mouth!
Simple huh?

Parents need to teach children that we eat to live not live to eat. And food does bring pleasure but like all other pleasures it will only be pleasurable if taken or done in moderation!

If anyone has serious impulse, compulsive, or other eating issues please seek professional help.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Children smoking

There are several issues that result from this issue of children smoking.  Parents that smoke are WAY more likely to have children that smoke....and these parents are much more likely to justify their children smoking  as a result of guilt or understanding the addiction. ugh.

So first of all if you smoke and are a parent you might want to find a good support person to help you quit.  ( I can help with

Remember role modeling is the greatest teacher, but parents can also provide children with tons of information available about the affects of smoking.  Lastly parents can NOT allow their children to smoke in their home, car, personal space etc.  which basically says to their children I cannot be part of this self destructive nature!
Parents definitely need to NOT pay for the cigarettes.

Parents need to make smoking inconvenient or impossible for their children.  They need to teach their children regardless of whether or not they smoke that they will not approve of smoking!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Communication between schools and police

There has recently been articles in the news regarding communication among police officials and school administrators.

Communication can always be a good thing. However, the problem is not whether or not this communication should occur because knowledge is power or at least promotes understanding.

The issue here really is what is to be done about information that is disclosed.

If information about behavior of students is used by both parties to help youth then fine. But sometimes information can be misused, misunderstood, misinterpreted, or promote labeling, suspension, alienation, or consequences which are NOT helpful.

If parents, schools, and authorities really want to be sure to teach youth how to stay safe, make good decisions, feel included, have positive self esteems, and be motivated about education etc among other positive aspects of life then they need to develop a plan about how to communicate effectively and what the process would be once juvenile delinquent (or alleged delinquent) behavior is disclosed.

If authorities and administrators need help with this plan, they should include individuals who are experts with proven track records of behavior modification, attitude adjustment, and positive effective strategies for helping youth be more responsible and productive.