Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Parenting Styles?
Parenting is NOT about 'control'. It is about teaching. Being a good role model, learning and developing the positive attitudes and skills required fro teaching. It is about knowing how to teach your children from a very young age how to think for themselves make good decisions and behave in ways that reflect their good reasoning. Of course parenting requires knowledge about how to teach children to think for themselves. Most parents just expect their children to be able to be logical and have good reasoning automatically, which is why children do not learn how.
Parenting requires good judgment and knowing when to talk with your child, when to listen to them, when to say "absolutely not", and when to reconsider your immediate "NO" to a request.
Bottom line, there are categories for parenting styles and parents should be familiar and understand their own style as a baseline. However, it is very important that parents learn positive effective ways to teach their children to think, and be healthy and happy. Parents can learn quickly that what works will be the style that enhances and builds strong healthy parent/child relationships.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Know what is normal
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Parents learn by asking
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Saturday, June 27, 2009
Ignoring behavior
Some parents say "I feel terrible ignoring my child. " Of course you do you love your child and they are upset, but remember you are not ignoring the child you are ignoring the inappropriate behavior. I also recommend communicating with the child what you are doing. If your child is a whiner, just let them know you will speak or listen to them when they are able to talk properly. And say it only once or you defeating the purpose of ignoring. Sometimes this simple method requires a little training and definitely practice but I assure you it is one of the simplest, least stressful methods for modifying behavior. There are tons of books and people to help with this if needed. Just be sure to remember no matter what strategy is used it must be implemented in a positive manner to be truly positive and long term effective. So parents start ignoring it can be positively rewarding!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Being a good role model
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Good people do not automatically make good parents...sorry!
parenting requires many specific skills and tons of knowledge. Oh it can be done without these skills and knowledge but not without a lot of distress, animosity, negativity, unhappy memories, etc. Just think how pleasant the adventures of parenting could be everyday throughout all the years of teaching children if parents could just learn more about positive parenting first. Everyone would be happier and healthier. There are so many benefits to positive effective parenting that I will have to list them in another blog. :-)
Blog Problem and So Sorry Again!
Thanks for reading and hopefully this blog will continue without further problems.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Parents need to make their health a priority
Some parents try to make time for their physical health but very few even know what to do for their psychological well being (another topic to get into much more detail later). The benefits are immeasurable for parents and children when parents make their health a priority.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sorry for the Interruption!
We are back and will be here everyday, hopefully you will be here too!
Again ...our most sincere apology!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Parents talking too much?
Parents talk way too much!
Most parents spend an enormous amount of unnecessary energy talking to their children. Parents are constantly telling children what to do. They give commands to their children nonstop throughout the day. Whether it is something a parent wants a child to do or something a parent wants a child to stop doing, it doesn’t matter parents just talk too much.
There are a few reasons parents need to consider how much they talk to their children. I will list those reasons in a moment. I say talk to them and not with them, because I am not speaking about the healthy, productive conversations. I am talking about all the annoying, unnecessary commands given to children each day. For example, “wake up”, “eat your breakfast”, “get dressed”, “brush your teeth”, “get your book bag”, “put on your jacket”, “shut the door”, “turn off the TV”, “stop that”, “don’t do this or don’t do that”, “get off the computer”, “be quiet”. “stay away from that kid”, “go to sleep”, and on and on.
The first reason that parents should consider how much they talk is that though this command giving is typical parent behavior, it is also mostly a waste of energy and not the most productive way to teach children. Also, parents wonder why children ignore them, don’t listen to them, or pretend they do not hear their parents. Duh? Imagine if bosses stood over employees and said” turn your computer on, pick up your mail, write this memo, fix this part”, etc. Oh my.
Another reason for parents to stop talking so much is very simple. If parents talked less, children would attend to what parents say more. If children knew that when parents do talk it is important and they will probably miss out on important information, then they will listen. Just the physiological aspects of the parents voice becoming like constant white noise in the background is enough to understand this concept.
Also remember the importance of role modeling. Children will behave as a parent behaves way before a child will do what a parent says on many levels, from smoking, drinking, education, employment, healthy relationships, etc.
One of the most important reasons that parents need to be quiet more often is because parents will promote the behaviors they attend to. If parents constantly give a child attention for all sorts of annoying little behaviors then the child will continue those behaviors. This is not rocket science. Children want their parent’s attention and guess what …they figure out very quickly how to get it. Children do not care if it negative attention, they just want attention. Understand that they would prefer positive attention but basically it is natural for most parents to ignore expected, appropriate behaviors. Acknowledging appropriate behavior is equally important as ignoring inappropriate behavior however that is another topic to be discussed in another article.
If parents can ignore safe annoying behavior, the behavior will stop eventually. Remember safety is always first. Many behaviors can be very annoying but if a parent really wants the behavior to stop just ignore it as long as it is safe.
Lastly a reason for parents to only state what is important is so parents learn to inform children what needs to happen instead of barking commands at them all day, every day. It is a parent’s responsibility to teach children how to think for themselves and learn to make good, healthy decisions. They will desperately need this skill as teenagers.
So instead of “put a jacket on” a parent might say “it’s cold outside today”. Or instead of “come eat”, how about saying “dinner is ready”. Teaching children is all about giving information.
Hopefully children realize by the time they are in school that they need to take their book bag with them, yet parents insist to say it. That really is quite insulting. What if your spouse would say “take your briefcase”? Of course children need guidance and support but no one needs to be told what to do all the time. Nor will anyone appreciate being given commands all day, even children.
Naturally modifying behavior does not stop here. Parents must learn what to do when behavior is inappropriate and doesn’t stop or is intolerable. Again another discussion for another time but basically it is all in the approach. Parent must maintain a positive philosophy and know how to inform children of what needs to happen and then know how to implement positive effective discipline, which is teaching, so that a child can learn.
I forgot to mention the benefit to parents. Imagine how much less stressful it would be for parents to talk even 50% less. Parents would save so much energy. The home would be so much more quiet and pleasant. Imagine how much more calm everyone could be with just a few parenting skills and a few changes.
Parents can learn how to manage or modify children’s behavior and to teach children how to be responsible and respectful. Remember parents are the ones who usually have taught their child to behave they way they do, so they certainly have the ability to undo and teach new behavior when necessary. After all, parents are supposed to be smarter and more experienced than children…right?
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The Importance of Consistency

Just a quick note about parents being consistent and a statement to give some thought.
“Most people make decisions about what they should to do because they know what will happen after they do it.” (Cause and Effect Principle.)
Being consistent is important for children to learn and understand how life works or at least how life works in their home.
Every interaction between a child and a parent is a learning experience for the child. Every challenging behavior is an opportunity for a parent to teach their children how life works. If parents want to be positive parents, then they need to be consistently positive! But they also need to be ...calm, loving, genuine, respectful, and supportive among other things.
If each challenging behavior is handled in a different way each time, then children will be confused.
By the same token if children have consistent discipline (which is teaching), then they will know what to do and what will happen when they do not do what is necessary.
If there are two parents in the home, it is optimal for both parents to be, at the very least, generally, on the same page about the philosophies and approaches to parenting. However, the bottom line is the more consistency, the greater the impact of teaching.
Consistency is quite important when teaching children how things are going to work.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Lose the Negativity!

Not only should we wake up each day and be sure to think positive thoughts before our feet touch the floor, but we should also make sure we can stay in a positive place throughout the day. Regardless of what others say or do we can choose how we will react and respond . It will require some practice if we are not in the habit of being positive, but it is definitely possible. Being healthy is great way to live. Oh we will go to an unhealthy place from time to time but all that matters is how quickly we can get back to our healthy place....and oh what wonderful role models we are as parents when we are able to manage our emotions and LOSE THE NEGATIVITY!