We all make mistakes or bad choices from time to time. Children are inexperienced and always learning how the world works..they also make more mistakes and more poor choices...well usually! ha.
They are trying to figure out the cause and effect principle...If I do one thing what will it cause or what will happen? They are often not very good at it. Like they really think they will not get caught or parents won't figure out things...
sometimes they are right which teaches them to continue to do things that way... and creates more confusion.
Anyway, when they screw up it is a good idea to address the problem and resolve in an effective productive manner(discussed in other blogs) and then forgive them.
The ability to forgive is a virtue and a healthy mindset as well as forgiving is a healthy behavior. The interesting aspect is that forgiveness is much more healing for the forgiver than it is for the perpetrator/offender.
A little forgiveness eases the stress and reduces the energy required for remaining angry. Staying angry inhibits the ability to think positively. There are many cognitive distortions that people are accustomed and conditioned to utilize in order to maintain unhealthy ways of thinking. Staying angry requires lots of these distortions all at once.
Imagine of individuals channeled all that same energy and effort into being positive, kind, happy, healthy, and productive.??
Donkey on a Parachute? Really?
14 years ago
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