Sunday, October 25, 2009

Labels are for products not for children

Please choose positive labels for your children. Many parents label their children unconsciously and reinforce these labels daily throughout their children's lives. Children will be victimized by this self fulfilling prophecy. How will children identify with their positive attributes and work to promote their positive characteristics if parents always focus on the negative traits and characteristics.
Please see my article on the
Remember to be a positive parent and your children will be more positive too!


Well. The time has come. Children need to learn to wipe their own behinds. There are too many parents who do not allow their children the opportunity to practice basic life skills until they can master them.
Parents are doing their children a great injustice if they do not allow them to make a few mistakes do a few tasks not to perfection or as timely as the parent would like.
Parenting requires lots of patience in order to teach and let children learn. Think about the best way to you learn from just being told or shown or do you learn best when you can do something yourself?
Please know nothing horrible will happen until your child will master wiping! In fact your child will be more likely to develop healthier self esteem, confidence, hygiene, and many other important life skills once they can wipe thelselves!

Intangible Privileges

Parents need to recognize that using intangible rewards can be very powerful approach. Children do care about how their behavior makes their parents feel. Children may not appear to care especially when they are adolescents, but they do.

There has been much evidence that this is true. Especially when parents are good parents and have a healthy relationship with their children, then children care much more about making their parents happy or proud than material rewards or privileges. Your happiness or pride fir your children is a privilege that they earn and enjoy.

A good idea might be to be sure to always let your children know accurately how you feel about their behavior. Please think first, be calm, sincere, and not emotionally reactive. This is an opportunity to share your feelings and teach your child.

Positive Parenting works!

Sorry for the Interruption!

Sorry for the lapse in blogging. I took a month off to drive cross country. It was very inspiring and motivational. I highly recommend the challenging adventure!

Thanks for your continued support and patience while I was away!